Work Packages
WP 1 Creating the network on the international level
1.1. Organizational support for networking
1.2. Project website
WP 2 Establishing Education Centre for Leadership
2.1. Education Centre for Leadership
WP 3 Development of Multidisciplinary Module Cluster for Teacher Training curriculum of 2nd cycle
3.1. Competence-oriented concept of training teachers for leadership
3.2. Module Cluster for the 2nd cycle of higher education
3.3. Enriched staff competences
WP 4 Professional Development Program “Teachers as Leaders”
4.1. Monitoring study among customers of educational services
4.2. Pilot program for the professional development of "Teachers as leaders"
4.3. Bank of case studies
4.4. Developed staff competences
WP 5 Quality Assurance and Control of Project Results
5.1. High Quality of Project Management
5.2. Evaluation reports
5.3. Audit reports
WP 6 Dissemination of project results
6.1. Visibility of the project
6.2. Knowledge and know-how transfer
6.3. Publications on the project ideas, results
WP 7 Sustainability
7.1. Training of multiplication
7.2. International out-put oriented e-tutorials
WP 8 Project Management
8.1. Effective decision-making
8.2. Effective strategic management
8.3. Effective operations level project management